Life 3.0
"It is indeed a surprising and fortunate fact that nature can be expressed by relatively low-order mathematical functions." - Rudolf Carnap
Understanding the movement and behavior patterns of nature is a fascinating subject. As a way of exercising my ability to interpret natural systems with code, I developed a series of small animations in processing and p5.js, each portraying some sort of life.
The focus of the exercises was movement, and the visual aspect was reduced to lines and geometrical shapes, taking advantage of the library's built-in methods.
Algorithmic Design
"When I am working on a problem, I never thing about beauty. I think only how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."
- Buckminster Fuller

Interactive Animations
The main advantage of working with code instead of video, is that you have the ability to make your program react to external inputs, including user interactions.
Letting the user engage with a program changes the experience completely, making the user a participant instead of just an observer.